We believe in a total transformation of the Healthcare and educational aspect of the Africa child.


The Africa children deserve to have a good healthcare 


The Africa children deserve to have a better education 


Healthcare is a basic necessity, Unfortunately, healthcare opportunities in Africa, especially in impoverished regions, is almost noting to talk about. This has giving rise to a high burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases within Africa villages and towns. Problems we addressing at Courage Onyekuni Foundation

Health empowerment across the life span: Most of the deaths recorded in Africa are avoidable. But lack of relevant health information is root cause of health challenges facing poor and underprivileged in Africa.

Access to affordable and good health care: Lack of doctors and healthcare professionals. We tend to work with local health care providers and link people to health care with our network of providers.


With the learning gap currently in Africa when it comes to secondary and post-secondary education. Students from all over Africa deserve better opportunity to excel and develop career goals that will lead them to something better. We are bringing more opportunities and pathways to a life-changing career.

Lack of access proper education programing: the quality of Africa education is a cause for concern. Our programs will offer kids opportunities to education.
Post-secondary educational enterprises are unavailable and when available not affordable for many.